CESDewar.com is a work in progress. This domain has been setup by C. E. Steuart Dewar, the former President/CEO of DISC (Dewar Information Systems Corporation) to archive photographs and stories about the Dewar Family. You can contact Dewar at info@cesdewar.com. I (Steuart) am going to be in Chicago on May 23rd, 2023 - that's Tuesday Evening (5-9pm) at Ledo's Pizza (5525 S La Grange Rd, Countryside, IL 60525). Everyone who ever worked at DISC/DEWAR is welcome to join me! I do have some DISC memorabilia with me :) |
Archive Photographs of Dewar Information Systems - see www.DewarInformationSystems.com. C. E. Steuart Dewar writes software under Pimlico Software - Main product is Pimlical - an advanced calendar application with a single Java file that runs identically on Windows, Mac OS and Linux, and a companion app that runs on all contemporary Android devices. C. E. Steuart Dewar also founded the Dewar Wildlife Trust in the early 1990's which then built a Gorilla Sanctuary in North Georgia (subsequently donated to and used by Project Chimps). A brief collection of Astrophotographs taken by C. E. Steuart Dewar can be viewed HERE. Steuart and his wife Belinda perform Ragtime, jazz and light classical pop/jazz songs and duets as Ragtime Razzle- see this web site. There are also some other performances and original compositions here. Steuart's mother, Mary Williamson Dewar was a Tudor Historian (specializing in the life of Sir Thomas Smith) but also wrote some beautiful poetry. There's also an interesting article on why Steuart's father, Professor Michael J. S. Dewar never got the Nobel Prize (and should have). OtherPhotographs | ||||